
Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Skyfall Marketing Campaign analysis

In this post we will be looking at the entirety of the James Bond - Skyfall Film. The marketing is portrayed through many different posters, trailors, videos, merchandise, and the original website which includes all the latest news, videos and games.

Below, I have selected a couple of trailers, some of which include the original trailer, the international trailer, and the teaser trailer.

                                                                   The Official Trailer

The official trailor advertises the film by including various clips from different scenes in the movie without revealing the full story. The purpose of a trailer is to expose the plot and to grab people's attention and make them want to watch the film.

                                          The International Trailer

                                          The Teaser Trailer
 The teaser trailer is released before the official trailer. The difference between a teaser trailier and the official trailer is that a teaser trailer is a truncated version of a theatrical trailer which intends to entice an audience about an upcoming movie, in this case the James Bond movie. A teaser trailer is usually under two minutes. 

Below, I have selected character posters and official posters which each depict different characters from the movie. These posters are the main part of the marketing campaign because they are displayed internationally to gain maximum exposure for the films release.

Character Posters

As shown above, there are a set of character posters for the James Bond film. each of the posters features an individual character from the film. In some character posters, tag lines are included in order to reflect the quality of the character.

Teaser Poster